§ 26-18a-4. Creation of Kurt Oscarson Children's Organ Transplant Account.

Latest version.
  • (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "Kurt Oscarson Children's Organ Transplant Account." Private contributions received under this section and Section 59-10-1308 shall be deposited into the restricted account to be used only for the programs and purposes described in Section 26-18a-3.
    (2) Money shall be appropriated from the restricted account to the committee in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act.
    (3) In addition to funds received under Section 59-10-1308, the committee may accept transfers, grants, gifts, bequests, or any money made available from any source to implement this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 278, 2010 General Session